Often called the shortest complete story

Often called the shortest complete story in English, supposedly written by Ernest Hemingway. It is only six words long:
“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Brokenness. We all know it.


As a father of 2 university children living away from home I feel at times helpless as all their life I have tried to protect them from being hurt but now I am not watching them. The reality I face is that they will no doubt experience the hurt of life, they will be broken. My prayer is that when that happens they will empty their hurt into the hands of the Potter who recreates beauty from brokenness.

A soldier was wounded in a battle and ordered to the nearest military hospital. Arriving at the entrance, he saw two doors: one marked “For Minor Wounds,” the other “For Serious Wounds.”
He entered the first door and walked down a long hallway. At the end of the hall, he saw two more doors. The first read “For Officers,” the other “For Enlisted Men.” The soldier went through the second door.
Again, he found himself walking down a long hallway with two doors at the end. One read “For Party Members,” the other “For Non-Party Members.” The wounded soldier took the second door and found himself back out on the street.
When he got back to his unit, his buddies asked, “How’d your trip to the hospital go?”
“The people really didn’t help me much,” he said, “but, man, are they organised!”- (Andy Cook)

We can be in control of many things, but brokenness.
Find the Potter today. Fall into His hands, let Him recreate in you beauty.

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